Dogs Help Students Build Important Life Skills

How Dogs Help Students Build Important Life Skills

Many people do not realize the importance of owning pets in their homes. One group of people who benefit from these animals is kids; pets equip children with life lessons like responsibility, patience, compassion, trust,...
Dog's Declining Health

10 Indicators of Your Dog's Declining Health

Your dog is your best friend and a part of your family, and you won't want his life to deteriorate. Right? Most of the time, it's reasonably easy to identify if your dog's health is...
Dog Trainers

6 Secrets Dog Trainers Don't Want You To Know

I am a professional dog trainer, and I know better than anyone else that hiring a dog trainer for one-on-one coaching lessons can be a big commitment, both in terms of time and money! While...
 K9 Sport Sack

How K9 Sport Sack Can Help You Adventure With Your Dog All Summer Long

Hiking, backpacking, bicycling, shopping at the local farmers market, dining outside, and even commuting to your office. Wouldn't you love to take your dog with you wherever dogs are allowed to go?  Now it's possible...
Puppy Care

Puppy Care Basics to Give Your Pup a Great Start

Congratulations on your new puppy! There’s nothing more wonderful than welcoming a little fur-ball into the family.  Now that you’re a pet parent, there are three things you can count on: cleaning up messes, a...
Make your Dog Happy

7 Surprising Ways to Make your Dog Happy

Dogs are truly a man’s best friend, and the best companions we could have ever asked for. In our world today, they do everything from comfort the old and sick in our hospitals, to lead...
Best Dog Breeds

7 Best Dog Breeds For College Students

The dog has always been a human's best friend, and despite the rapidly changing world, this statement remains relevant today. A lot of people want to have a dog, however, this is not always possible...
Pet-Friendly College and University Campuses

10 Pet-Friendly College and University Campuses

Leaving home to study is always difficult. After all, you leave your family and friends in another city. You could also have a favorite pet. If you don't want to leave your pet home during college, you may...
Power of Pets for Healing Seniors

The Power of Pets for Healing Seniors

Building and maintaining relationships with others keep our brains active, make us more empathic, and can even help alleviate depression and anxieties.  In this regard, most animals are no different than humans, which is why...
Newborn Puppies

Physical & Behavioral Development: Newborn Puppies

From the moment of birth, a puppy is changing and developing day by day, week by week, in many different ways. Whether you are a seasonal breeder caring for a litter of newborn puppies, or...