Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

For many of us, summer is right around the corner! 

It’s the perfect time of the year for you and your dog to go hiking, camping, swimming, and everything in between. 

However, with summer comes dealing with all the heat. For this week’s blog we’re going to share some easy tips to making sure you and your pup stay cool this summer. 


Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer


While this one may be a no-brainer, it’s important to not take lightly! Early warning signs your dog is becoming dehydrated include: 

  • Excessive panting
  • Drooling
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Pale appearance

As a rule of thumb (or paw), dogs should be drinking an ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. If you plan on going on outside adventures in the sun, be sure to pack enough water for both of you to last the whole day.

Our favorite hydration accessory is the Highwave AutoDogMug to bring along with you on any summer adventure. 

Check them out here!

If you find that your dog has become dehydrated, you can help by making your own electrolyte water. All you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into 1 quart of fresh, clean water. Give this to your dog to replace cell salts and minerals that are important for hydration, blood pH and nerve conduction.

Prevent Sunburns
Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

Like humans, too much exposure in the sun can leave your dog sunburnt. Signs your dog is getting sunburned include:

  • Skin or paw pads that are tender to the touch
  • Dry, cracked skin and curling at the edges of the ears
  • Constant scratching in tender places accompanied by a whimper, and shrinking away when you try to pet him/her
  • Slight fever

Avoid the sun when you can by going on walks earlier in the day, avoiding hot pavement or sand, and choose routes that have plenty of shade for when you need to take a break. 

Sunscreen is available for dogs too. It is important to purchase sunscreen made specifically for dogs and not for humans. It should not contain zinc oxide as this is toxic to dogs if ingested, and dogs will often lick their skin and accidentally ingest the sunscreen. Waterproof sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 is the common recommendation by most veterinarians. 

Apply the sunscreen to their nose, ears, and other parts of the body that might be exposed to the sun. Re-apply every 4-6 hours depending on the amount of time spent outside in the sun. 

If your dog does get burned, using typical ointments and lotions including aloe can be very helpful. Consult your vet if burned more severely. 

Stay Shady 


Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer


Sometimes finding shade can be easier said than done. Maybe you're on the beach and don’t have a big enough umbrella or the campsite you just pulled up to doesn’t have many trees in the area. 

That’s where the K9 Kennel Pop-Up Dog Tent comes in handy. It’s lightweight, compact, and perfect for any outdoor adventure with your dog. You can set it up virtually anywhere and it provides the shade your dog needs. 

Check them out here!

Another great option to staying cool is to have a portable kiddy pool you can fill up quickly and have your dog splash around for a little while. 

It’s important as well to know that during the summer, the ground becomes much hotter than how hot it is outside. 

You can understand the difference in temperature by this comparison below:

        Air Temp         Asphalt Temp 
    77°       -          125°
        Air Temp         Asphalt Temp 
    86°       -          135°
        Air Temp         Asphalt Temp 
    87°       -          143°

To get a good idea of whether it’s too hot for your dog’s paws, press and hold your own hands onto the pavement for 10 seconds. 

If it’s too hot for your hands, it’ll be too hot for your dog’s paws. Also keep in mind what time of the day it is as the pavement can grow increasingly hotter as the day continues. 


Cooling Vests

Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer


For pups and their pawrents that live in especially hot weather, try checking out a cooling vest for your dog. While functionality may differ, these work wonders to keep your dog cool on outdoor adventures. 

Some cooling vests like the CoolerDog Cooling Vest and Collar work by either having ice packs inside the vest that cools the underside of your dog’s belly and vest. 

Other cooling vests work by soaking them in water, followed by wringing them out and placing on your dog. The light-colored fabric reflects solar radiation, while evaporative cooling pulls heat from the dog.

A simple google search will allow you to find a range of cooling vests that will work best for you and your dog. 

How to Use Your K9 Sport Sack in the Heat

Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer


Right off the bat, we don’t recommend using the K9 Sport Sack in excessive heat. 

However, if you find that you need to use it, it’s a great option for keeping your dog off the ground and burning their paws. 

We recommend using some sort of a cooling vest on your dog while in the carrier, making sure your dog is hydrated, and that you don’t keep your dog inside the carrier for more than 30-45 minutes at a time. 

You can even freeze water bottles and place them in the side pockets to keep your pup nice and cool.

Summer adventures are the best! Make sure you and your dog stay cool and have the best time together!


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